Events 2019
23rd October 2019
Microlight day
06th October 2019
Power Gliding Day
With moderate winds, Saturday saw the NAC Power Gliding Competition take place, a rescheduling of the original August date which fell foul of strong winds and rain.
15 pilots attended with a variety of glider types: balsa, glass fibre and foam. The competition consisted of a 25 second powered run followed by a maximum of 6 minutes free flight, a 10 second bonus was also awarded for landing on the runway. Owing to the number of entrants, the competition was reduced from 2 to 1 qualifying round.
The final consisted of a mass take off of the 6 pilots who scored the maximum 6m 35s in the qualifying round: Len G, David D, Ian H, David P, Caleb F and Gordon B. Third place went to Ian, first and second places were very closely fought with Gordon achieving second with a 16m 37s flight followed in seconds later by Len in first place with a winning flight time of 16m 50s. Prizes were awarded to the top 3 pilots; the NAC Power Gliding Shield will be awarded to Len at the next OGM.
Thanks to all the pilots who took part. Thanks also to Nigel and Angie who, although not able to attend, kindly provided cake and sausage rolls.16th September 2019
Scale Day Event
On Saturday 14th September 40 members turned out on a gorgeous sunny day for the Annual Scale Day, As in previous years there was a competition element to the day to show off their scale aircraft. A competition was run to judge who's aircraft flew and looked the most scale like on the day. Before lunch members and visitors will be invited to vote for the pilot who, in their opinion, has flown in the most realistic manner during the morning. Voting slips were counted during lunch after which the pilot with the most votes will be awarded the prized Scale Cup. this years cup was won by Chris B many congratulations to Chris, runners up were David P and John Cop 3rd. Many Thanks go to all that help out and run the event including to Angie for the gorgeous cakes, sausages rolls & Pork and stuffing batches that went down at treat another outstanding job.
13 July 2019
Club Flying & Electric / Vintage Day.
Absolutely Fantastic day, The Electric & Vintage day was merged with the Annual club flying day which was postponed from last month due to bad weather, 36 members along with family & friends turned out for this years event. The weather started off dull and grey & slightly breezy, with a few spot of rain or two, but this didn't stop the members taking to the skies. Taking on 3 challenging completions, Spot landing, Landing closest to the plate, Timed trial - Fastest take off, loop, touch & go, roll and landing, & Limbo, between two poles closes to the ground wins. Never in the history of the club has one person won all 3 competitions. Congratulations go to Paul C, who stole the show with his outstanding flying skills. Club members were also treated to delightful spread put on by Angie. Many thanks also go to all the helpers throughout the day that helped make the day a great success setting up / taking down, time checking, limbo fixing etc.
12th May 2019
Annual Bungee Gliding Day
After an initial attempt with the bungee into wind it was decided to relocate the bungee to run down the strip. Two rounds were flown with a fly off for the top five finalists. Initial times were good, with Len and Ian getting a maximum 6 minutes each. As the morning progressed, the times fell with the cloud building. Those in the fly off were, Ian, Len, Andy, David P and Alan.
Third place was Andy, Len came second and Ian was crowned the winner, beating Len by 10 seconds.
As ever, Nigel and Angie provided a superb feast of burgers, sausages, cakes and hot drinks. Our thanks go to Nigel, Angie and Chris for the catering and to Caleb for organising the event and to all those who helped with launching and bungee

8th April 2019
Winter Build Competition 2019
After the meeting the 2019 Winter build competition took place.
6 Members entered into this year's competition, the judging consisted of Build Complexity, Construction Quality and Finish, judging consisted this year of 1 committee member and 2 members of the club, Alan, Ian & Rog W, Once again Quality was high and the eventual winner was Tony B with a magnificent Mk X,IV Spitfire. Refreshments were supplied by Angie and very much appreciated.
Scores were as Follows.
Tony B Spitfire mk xiv 109
John C Glider 108
Paul S Harvard 107.5
Dave C Ultimate 101
Dave M Glider 101
Phil L Lidl Guilder 66
6th April 2019
Club Aerobatic Day Competition
22 Club members, family & friends turned up to the clubs Aerobatic day event, to witness some of the clubs best aerobatic flyers take part in this annual event in some what breezy conditions. 2 Rounds of flying were held with the highest score taken from either round to determine the overall winner.
1 Take off into wind and climb out.
2 Straight and level flight (min. 100m) or Straight and level flight inverted.
3 Two consecutive loops.
4 Two consecutive rolls.
5 Reversal. Half loop until inverted then half roll out.
6 Stall turn.
8 Three
8 Any ‘free style’ manoeuvre.
9 Touch and Go’.... Roll not bounce!.
10 Rectangular approach and landing.
11 Overall presentation.
Round 1 started well with some high scores begin put down and Round 2 was equally impressive.
3rd place went to John C
2nd place went to Andy R
1st place went to Peter B.
Congratulations to Peter & well done to all those that took part. all so there was a splendid arrange of cakes and sausage rolls cooked by Angie, many thanks to Angie for her efforts they went down a storm.